Our Intention

Via the Liquid Crystals we aim:

- To give as many people on Earth the opportunity to embrace the Wisdom of the Devic Kingdom and the holistic healing properties of their minerals in their most useful form, aiding in the movement towards completion on all levels.

- To awaken the memories of Earths sacred embrace and provide the human race with the ancient pathways of eternal peace and oneness through the united action of embodied wisdom, love and Power.

- To support the Earth in all that she chooses, heal the scars inflicted by our race over time and move her towards her divinity.

- To help humanity evolve into Light.

- To create a network of Liquid Crystal practitioners' world wide that in the near future will be called upon to dose the earth. This will be done at stock level at key Vortex points, repairing the damage inflicted over the years and ultimately giving Earth back all her potent emanations that we have taken from her since Lemuria, her crystals, metals and minerals.