Deva Name - Adamael Crystals Simple Purpose with humanity - Light Body
Mental / Emotional Aspects
Possible Negative Condition(s)-
Possible Positive Outcome(s)-
Separation and lowered respect and love for self. Disconnected from spark of life. Unable to find light in self. Lack vision imagination and ingenuity.
Unity and Love for self and others. Connects the mind to divinity and the spark of life. Creativity imagination and inventiveness. Balance and Loyalty.
Spiritual and Other Aspects - Diamond is a carbon based life form that via its amazing qualities of clarity and light demonstrates the placement of light into physicality. It is a symbol of the embrace of pure spirit on the physical level which is the goal of the human race on earth. Powerfully activates the Crown Chakra aiding identification with the infinite. Diamond can remove the life force from most diseases.
Possible Physical - Stimulates the Eyesight. Brain imbalances. Tumors. Pituitary and Pineal difficulties. Autism.Dyslexia. Epilepsy. The adjustment of the Cranial Plates.
Animal Totem - Humpback Whale
Essential Oil -Neroli
Message from Adamael
?I am all that you are let me guide you to the embodiment of light absolute and Infinite. In my light you will carry the Wisdom of the ages Power of the spirit and Love of the infinite the balance of these is my real role. Hold gently the petals of the White Rose.?