Shattuckite (D3A)
Simple Purpose; – High Communication
Master Deva Name- Ki-tom-ma- el
Principle Color(s);- Light and Dark Blue.
Simple Earth Emanation Point;- Mount Shasta, California USA
Affirmation;- “I feel and I am Free.”
Keywords;- High Communication, The Soul in Physical. Channeling. Psychic enhancing stone, Translator, Protection, Spiritual Truth, Light in the Darkness, Silence, Withdrawn, Inner self, Star Language, ancient Memories, Healing, Tonsillitis, Blood Clots and other blocks of body life force flow. Maat.
Physical/ Systems ;- Tonsillitis, Blood Clots and other blocks of body life force flow. Throat Issues including Thyroid and Para-thyroid issues. Can help Left/Right Brain Imbalance due to lowered activity. Crystal of the Voice even at the physical level restoring and healing issues there. Anti-inflammatory in all systems.
Extra Mineral Specific Information;-
-This could easily be the most powerful Channeling stone on the Earth today. Its only downfall for many, is it is simply too good at what it does making information so available it is hard to believe its real!
-This is the best remedy for the Pathological state of Chosen Silence.